
目前显示的是 五月, 2022的博文

Why are LED sports lights better than other traditional lighting sources?

  HALOGEN STADIUM LIGHTS VS LED STADIUM LIGHTS HALOGEN STADIUM LIGHTS LED STADIUM LIGHTS 1: Lower Track Light Scope: Much lower efficiency. 1: Higher Track Scope: Thanks to our unique optics, we are able to provide more light on the playing court than traditional lights or other LED manufacturers. 2: Higher Power Consumption: Only 20-60% of the electrical energy is used to turn on the lights. A lot of power is wasted during the process. 2: Lower Power Consumption: About 95% of the electricity is used to turn on the light, losing less than 5%. 3: Low Efficiency: Only 60-80% of the voltage is correctly counterbalanced by the ballast. This means that the Power Factor is only 60-80% which causes significant interference on the electric current. If we assume that an installation includes other electrical equipment apart from luminaires, they will be affected much more negatively than if we use LEDs. 3: High Efficiency Ballasts: LEDs use switched sources, exceeding 95% efficiency. They incor

Designing Your LED Stadium Light Setup

  LED Stadium Lights of Your Own Lighting is an art in itself, and stadium lights are no different. Sporting events are often a very personal affair, creating bonds among friends and family, classmates and colleagues as they cheer on their favorites. Seeing it all crisp and clear is a vital part of the game.  The first question to ask yourself is:  Existing lights and retrofit, or new install; and are the existing lights the caliber to create your ultimate stadium experience? For existing lights, we try and match up the old sports lights to an equivalent or brighter if needed.   The 1500 watt Metal Halide sports light is far and away the most common fixture installed over the last 40 years.  For this, there is a 500-watt LED stadium light designed from the ground up to replace it, beam angles and all.   It saves 1000 watts and lights up a touch brighter.  This one is easy.   We have interchanges to other ones as well.   If it’s determined that you need more light rather than maintainin

The Guide to Sports Lighting - LED Stadium Lights

  Why should I choose LED Lights rather than Halogen lamps? In order to understand how light is generated, it is important to understand two independent processes. The first occurs before electricity reaches the LED light bulb and can be considered as a Power Consumption Process. The second takes place a little later, with the projection of light. a. Power Consumption Process By power consumption we refer to the percentage of energy that is not wasted and that is essential to turn on the light. In the ordinary halogen lights, up to 80% of energy is wasted during the power process. With our LEDs, the wasted energy is less than 10% so our sports LED lighting will require much less electrical energy and will reach and exceed the projection of light provided by halogen luminaires for stadium lighting. b. Light Projection Process The lighting process is the second phase. Once the luminary has been turned on, you need to project the light to the ground with great light intensity. This is whe

What are LED Sports Lights?

  Stadium lights are robust sports lighting fixtures mounted at great heights with beam angles ranging from 12-60 degrees. These beam angels provide greater light intensity, allowing powerful light to meet the ground from high hoisted heights. While usually mounted at 40-60 feet in height, LED Stadium Lights can be installed as low as 25 feet and even more than 100 feet high. The beam angles can vary depending on the height and how many footcandles you need to achieve on the ground. National LED sports lighting can quickly achieve 300+ foot candles and are verified with photometric layouts. For perspective, the average parking lot light produces 10-20 foot candles while the current stadium lighting standard for the NFL is 250-foot candles. National LED’s sports and stadium lights are more than sufficient for any sports event! Long Life, Cost Efficient, Minimal Maintenance As previously noted, LED sports light fixtures are far more efficient than any traditional lighting solution. A 1,5

What are the advantages of solar street lights compared to conventional street lights?

 With the continuous increase of the country's investment in new energy, funds and policies are tilted towards new energy, and the use of solar energy to benefit mankind has become an important strategy for national development, and solar street lights came into being under this background. What are the advantages over conventional street lights? 1. From the point of view of lifespan: mains electricity and solar energy are equivalent Let's take a look at the life of the main components of the solar street light (we assume that the product quality is excellent, and the use environment is not harsh) Solar panel: more than 30 years (after 30 years, the solar energy will decay by more than 30%, but it can still generate electricity, which does not mean the end of its life) Street light pole: more than 30 years LED light source: more than 11 years (calculated based on 12 hours of work per night) Lithium battery: more than 10 years (the depth of discharge is calculated according to 3

Why solar street lights can light up in rainy days?

 Solar street lights use solar energy to provide electricity for street lights. During the day, the solar street light absorbs the solar energy, converts the solar energy into electrical energy and stores it in the battery, and then discharges the battery to supply power to the street light source at night. And with the rainy season coming to most parts of the country in June, the advantages of solar energy are also highlighted, and solar street lights can be lit on rainy days. But why can solar street lights be lit on rainy days? Next, the editor of Century Thecosky Lighting will introduce it to you in response to this problem. Under normal circumstances, the default number of rainy days for solar street lights produced by most manufacturers is three days, and the number of rainy days for integrated solar street lights will be longer, ranging from five days to seven days. That is to say, within the specified number of days, even if the solar street light cannot supplement the solar en